More than £1000 raised for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People at Convoy in the Park

The team at Daf truck dealer Imperial Commercials, alongside volunteers from Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, raised £1250 for the charity at Convoy in the Park last weekend.

The money was raised over the two days of Convoy in the Park through donations made by visitors for goodie bags, foam fingers, teas and coffees etc. The foam fingers were especially popular among visitors – young and not-so-young alike!

But more popular than the foam fingers was Jarvis, a hearing dog, who attended the event and was more than happy to be fussed by visitors and pose for photographs alongside his owner, John.

Each year, Daf chooses a charity to support and throughout the 2017 show season at the main public shows, such as Convoy in the Park and the Truckfest events, the company is working with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and their volunteers to raise awareness and money.

Hearing Dogs for the Deaf train dogs to alert deaf people to sounds they would otherwise miss – simple sounds that many people take for granted like the doorbell, alarm clock and even danger signals like the fire alarm. Being aware of these – thanks to a hearing dog – makes a real difference to deaf people’s lives. For more information go to:

So far this year, Daf has raised £3250 for the charity. The next event the company will be at is Truckfest Scotland on 5-6 August.