Eddie Stobart truck names…more terrific truck titles on Biglorryblog

Eddiecaption.jpgContinuing the intermittent series of the best (or otherwise) of Eddie Stobart truck names, Road Rat has been busy clicking away on behalf of Biglorryblog to bring you the very latest batch of cab names for your delectation…and no prizes for guessing which tractor manufacturer has had their pleasure of Eddie’s business lately.verity%20Ness.jpgStarting with Verity Ness, sister of Loch Ness perhaps…?lauraflora.jpgThen the delghtfully rhyming Laura Flora… Now click through here for a couple moe.

keziah.jpgAnd here’s Keziah, now you see ‘er….and next we have,leahCaitlyn.jpgLeah Caitlyn. Keep ’em coming RR, at this rate will finish around Christmas 2011.