Correction: The Crouch Recovery truck prize in the August T&D Truckscene is £199 NOT £139 and it’s also already sold out…

….oops we got mixed up with our prizes from the lovely people at Search-Impex in the current issue and printed a picture of the Crouch Recovery crane truck as the prize for Story of the Month in Truckscene, stating that it was available to buy for £139.
There are two rather important issues with this:
A. The model is not available as it’s sold out so please don’t call asking to buy it
B. Even it it was available, it’s certainly not £139, the correct price is £199
Sorry about that. Here’s the full press release here:
Derbyshire-based promotional model vehicle specialist Search Impex is delighted to announce the release of a 1:50 scale Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2 crane, customised in Crouch Recovery’s livery.
This is the second model commissioned through Search Impex by this well-known vehicle recovery services operator and follows on from the earlier sell-out release of the Volvo FMX (8×4) heavy recovery truck.
The models have been produced exclusively for Search Impex by WSI Collectibles as a certificated Limited Edition.
Based in the Leicestershire village of Kibworth Harcourt, Crouch Recovery was established in 1948 by George (known as Old Jack) and Mary Jane Crouch. The husband and wife team ran a small local filling station which also offered a vehicle recovery service – something which, at that time, was unique to the area. For the next 20 years or so, the business grew steadily and in the 1970’s, they were joined by their son, David who helped his parents with the day to day running of the filling station. David, however, took a particularly active interest in developing the recovery side of the business – something which, as evidenced by today’s operation, proved to be a sound strategic decision! Whilst the filling station is no more, David and his wife, Barbara, have gone on to oversee the evolution of the business into one of the fastest growing recovery operators in the UK and Europe. Moreover, with their sons, Adam and Richard, also fully involved in the business, it now embraces three generations of the Crouch family.
With new, purpose-built headquarters just a stone’s throw away from the site of the original filling station (the buildings and recovery yard of which still remain owned and used by the business), Crouch Recovery now operates a 24 / 7 control room to manage breakdown and recovery requests. Operating from 6 depots, the Company’s “home territory” covers the whole of Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire but extends the length and breadth of the UK and into Europe via a strong network of compliant agents. And being based in the Midlands has the added geographical advantage of allowing quick access to routes to the rest of the UK, as well as across to the Continent.
With an impressive fleet now in excess of 70 vehicles ranging from mobile cranes, heavy recovery trucks and heavy-duty low loaders, through to on & off-road winching gear, light recovery trucks and a fleet of 24-hour service vans, Crouch Recovery is able to deploy the correct equipment to deal with any given situation.
Perhaps best known for heavy recovery services, the Company continues to feature in the Channel 5 documentary “Trucking Hell” which provides a good insight into the nature of the work and the difficulties faced by specialist recovery operators. Anyone who has seen this series will also have seen, in action, the LTM 1090-4.2 crane on which the 1:50 scale model will be based. The LTM 1090 crane is the largest crane in the fleet and is certainly an impressive piece of kit!
Just like the previous Crouch recovery truck models, the Crouch crane models have also proved to be extremely popular with collectors and they have already sold out.
For details of availability of other models and also models coming soon, head to their website at or call 01332 873555