Young Scania fan

Reece Stainsby and Carla Gillott sent us this picture of their son Fynnley. “He is truck mad – specifically Scania – and he had his second birthday on 14 September. He was recently a winner in Scania Keltruck’s ‘guess how many beach balls in the cab’.
He had a Scania birthday cake and also received a card and Scania football from Keltruck.”


Truckscene Send us your stories! Email us at [email protected] Story of the month wins this limited-edition 1:50-scale Scania Streamline Topline 6×2 tractor unit with three-axle curtain trailer in A1 Transport (NI) Ltd colours. It’s worth £140 and comes courtesy of Search Impex.

For availability of this and other models visit or call 01332 873555