Coronavirus and the banning of HGV drivers from toilets. You can now report to the Road Haulage Association

Report companies denying drivers use of facilities to the RHA (and us as well please)…
The RHA has been notified of drivers being denied the use of toilet facilities, when delivering and collecting goods, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.
The Health and Safety Executive are very clear about this issue. It is a basic human right to be able to use the toilet and have hand washing facilities and there is a duty on site operators to provide facilities.
The RHA will take immediate action where site operators are not providing facilities. To do this we need the following information:
- Day
• Date
• Time
• Place – location name, address & postcode. A photo of the site entrance with Company name.
• A photo of the signage, if any. Or the name and role of the person refusing access.
• If possible, the name & phone number of a senior manager at the site.
In the first instance, the site will be contacted and asked to display the appropriate signage, which clearly states that toilet facilities can be accessed by drivers. Sample signage can be found here.
Email these details to [email protected] and we will speak to the site senior management and if necessary collate and report instances to the Health and Safety Executive for enforcement, or prosecution. Please also send them to [email protected] because we’re collating this info too and reporting to the HSE
The following is an extract from, Workplace health, safety and welfare. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Approved Code of Practice and guidance.
HSE has been aware for some time of concerns around access to welfare facilities for visiting delivery drivers.
We have reviewed our approach including guidance to duty holders and re-examined the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, in particular Regulations 20 and 21.
We will begin to update our guidance to say that drivers must have access to welfare facilities in the premises they visit as part of their work. As this is likely to take some time, key stakeholders are being informed now.
The welfare of all workers is a priority and we have consistently said that drivers should have this sort of access. We also recognise that the majority of duty holders do already provide reasonable access to toilets.
Workplace health, safety and welfare. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Approved Code of Practice and guidance