Keltruck plan massive presence at Convoy in the Park

Keltruck will have massive presence at this summer’s Convoy in the Park Show, which takes place on 21-22 July at Donington Park.

Europe’s largest independent Scania dealer will also be sponsoring the Scania Village. Last year the village attracted well over 400 Scania show trucks, a record that’s likely to be broken in 2018. Drivers choosing to park their lorry in this private area are likely to be rewarded with an exclusive gift, and all are welcome on the Keltruck stand.

In addition, the dealer will be sponsoring the stage, which will showcase a number of bands over the course of the weekend. The line-up already includes The Rolling Clones, The 80s Rock Show and The Blue Print Brothers, with details of more acts to follow. A cinema screen at the back of the stage will also play some of your favourite trucking movies.

Last year, Keltruck’s stand featured all 20 of its limited edition White Knight trucks, and this year another fine selection of customers’ vehicles will be present. “We will also be showing a number of quality used trucks,” said new and used sales director Dave Morgan. “Donington Park is in our area of responsibility, and this will be a great opportunity to show some of our potential customers what we have to offer.”

Morgan is a big fan of Convoy in the Park, having been impressed with last year’s inaugural event. “It’s a great family show, there’s a brilliant atmosphere, and there’s so much to see and do for everyone,” he said. “Truck shows normally only attract drivers, but Convoy also brings the decision makers. It’ll be a fantastic weekend, especially if the weather is good.”

Tickets are available for Convoy in the Park. Advance adult weekend tickets cost £30, or £20 for a Saturday/Sunday ticket. Teens aged 13-15 cost £18 for a weekend ticket and £13 for Saturday/Sunday. Under-13s go free. To book tickets and for more information on what’s on at Convoy in the Park go to:

You can also book your truck into Convoy in the Park. It costs £65 to book your truck in, which includes two adult weekend tickets and entry into one show truck category. For more information go to: