Revealed: The UK areas with the most dangerous drivers

The UK area with the highest number of drivers with penalty points on their driving licence has been revealed.
A study by A-Plan Insurance examined the latest GOV.UK driving licence data to reveal the areas of the UK with the highest/lowest percentage of drivers who have offended.
It turns out Calderdale, West Yorkshire sits at the top spot as the UK area with the most people with points on their licence. Out of 158,068 drivers, 13,8953 of these have committed an offence (8.83% of drivers) . Drivers in this area have accumulated 56,422 points in total.
In second place is Kirklees, also situated in West Yorkshire. Placing just below Calderdale, 8.56% of drivers in the area have committed a driving offence. Out of 346,201 drivers, 29,634 have committed an offence, accumulating a total of 123,025 points.
Bradford rounds off the top three with a total of 34,132 drivers who have offended. Out of all drivers in this area, 8.4% have committed a driving offence (34,142 people), accumulating a total of 146,046 points in total.
Leeds, the third largest UK city, places fourth. 48,666 drivers out of in this area have committed a driving offence which can range from speeding to driving under the influence of drinks or drugs.
Telford and Wreckin, located in Shropshire, place as the UK areas with the fifth largest number of drivers having committed an offence. 8.02% of drivers in this area have points on their license. In total, 47,605 points have been accumulated.
Wales makes an appearance in the top ten with Bridgend placing sixth. Out of 148,446 drivers in the area, 12,238 have committed a driving offence to date (7.75%).
Ranking in joint seventh is Plymouth, also known as Britain’s Ocean City and Selby, North Yorkshire. 7.71% of drivers in these areas have committed a type of driving offence. For Plymouth, out of 146,852 drivers, 11,328 have committed a driving offence with a total of points at 45,816. Whilst in Selby, 3,771 out of 48,894 committed a driving offence making the total points in the area reach 14,648.
South Holland, Lincolnshire, comes in eighth with 7.59% of drivers in the area having committed a vehicle offence; 8,449 out of 111,379. The total points in this are have reached 34,271.
Rounding off the top 10 is Mansfield is Nottinghamshire. Out of 74,814 drivers, 56,45 have committed an offence leaving points on their licenses (7.55%) – with a total of 22,153 points.
Commenting on the figures, a spokesperson for A-Plan Insurance said: “This analysis highlights the geographical disparities of safe driving practices across the UK. The ability to drive is a privilege that allows a person the ease of access from point A to point B, but many people each year commit an offence that can land them one step closer to losing their licence.
“Drivers and pedestrians of these areas need to be extra careful as the chances of offences occur at a much higher rate. Not only is there a risk to safety, but a risk of incurring damages that may affect your insurance.
“Penalty points will be shown on your driving licence for 11 years and having these is likely to increase the cost of your insurance, as well as reducing the number of premium options available to you.”