Sweet treat for Brian’s 80th

“I thought you might be interested in taking a look at the cake we had made for my dad’s (Brian Onions) 80th birthday,” says Joanne Taylor. “He is an avid reader of your magazine.
“My dad has been an HGV driver all of his life, but unfortunately, at the age of 74, he had a massive stroke at the wheel of his lorry. It was only with the intervention of another driver and
our wonderful ambulance service that he is still with us today.
“He has driven for many companies over the years, driving every truck, low-loader, car transporter and road machine you can think of. He even drove on the Continent for nine years, backwards and forwards to France twice a week to support my mum and the four of us when we were growing up. He is now disabled and lives in my home, where he is cared for by all the family.”
Happy birthday from all at T&D!